Album title

Nidarosdomens jentekor & TrondheimSolistene

Lise Granden Berg, soprano
Magne H. Draagen, organ
Maria Næss, piano
Ola Gjeilo, piano
Øyvind Gimse, artistic director TrondheimSolistene
Anita Brevik, conductor

Catalogue #

Disc 1
Hybrid SACD
Stereo DSD
Disc 2

Pure Audio Blu-ray
DTS HD MA 192kHz/24 bit 5.1
Auro-3D 96kHz/24 bit 9.1
LPCM 192kHz/24 bit STEREO
mShuttle: stereo FLAC 96kHz + MP3
Region: ABC - worldwide

Release date
October 2014
Recording date
Nidaros Cathedral, Norway
Original source
DXD (352.8kHz/24bit)


The MAGNIFICAT is the Virgin Mary's song of praise to God after one of the Bible's greatest wonders: the angel Gabriel visiting her with the message that she is to be the mother of God's son. In his setting composer Kim André Arnesen expresses the feelings Mary must have felt: wonder, devotion, gratitude, joy, humility, hope and compassion. God's selection of an unknown woman living in poverty to be the mother of His son is a bottom-up view of the world if ever there was one – and Arnesen sees the Magnificat as offering support and hope for all people struggling against adversity or in need of strength. MUSICA CELESTIS portrays the ceaseless praising of God by angels in heaven. Aaron Jay Kernis builds his work around a fairly simple melody which he remoulds in a series of variations. The intensely beautiful and mostly barren Hardangervidda mountain plateau inspired Ola Gjeilo to write TUNDRA, while his SONG OF THE UNIVERSAL expresses unabashed optimism, exuberance and poet Walt Whitman's unwavering confidence in our deeper humanity – all through the prism of a big, warm, beating heart.

Recording sessions, Arnesen: Facebook Photo Album
Recording sessions, Gjeilo: Facebook Photo Album
Recording sessions, Kernis: Facebook Photo Album

Immersive Sound is a completely new conception of the musical experience. Recorded music is no longer a matter of a fixed one-dimensional setting, but rather a three-dimensional enveloping situation. Stereo can be described as a flat canvas and Surround Sound as a field, but Immersive Sound is a sculpture that you can literally move around and relate to spatially; surrounded by music you can move about in the aural space and choose angles, vantage points and positions. The 9.1 Auro-3D on this Pure Audio Blu-ray features sound reproduction that is more realistic than anything you've heard before. It delivers a new standard in immersion, fully enveloping the audience in a cocoon of life-like audio.

MAGNIFICAT er Marias lovsang i et av Bibelens største under: Engelen Gabriel besøker Maria med budskap om at hun skal bli mor til Guds sønn. Komponisten Kim André Arnesen uttrykker noe av det en ung og fattig kvinne må ha kjent på ved et slikt budskap: Undring, hengivenhet, takknemlighet, glede, ydmykhet, håp og barmhjertighet. Med hjerte for de fattige valgte Gud nettopp en fattig kvinne til å være mor til Hans sønn sier noe om at synet på verden går nedenfra og opp. Magnificat er en bønn for de syke, fattige, en sang om hjelp og håp for de som sliter. MUSICA CELESTIS er inspirert av middelalderens himmelske englesang som priser Gud i all evighet. Aaron Jay Kernis leder en enkel og åpen melodi og et harmonisk mønster gjennom en rekke variasjoner, som en passacaglia, og modulasjoner som er rammet inn av en introduksjon og koda. I TUNDRA har Ola Gjeilo latt seg inspirere av Hardangerviddas vakre natur, og hans SONG OF THE UNIVERSAL formidler gjennom Walt Whitman's poesi optimismen, rausheten og troen på vår dypere menneskelighet.

Med innføringen av høydekanaler vil akustiske refleksjoner skape en naturlig lydnærhet som oppstår både rundt og over lytteren. Auro-3D på denne Pure Audio Blu-ray'en presenterer en lydgjengivelse som er mer realistisk enn noe du noen gang før har hørt. Dette setter en helt ny standard for dybdeopplevelse og innkapsler lytteren i en kokong av naturtro lyd. Velkommen inn i Nidarosdomen!

Fra innspillingen i Nidarosdomen: NRK

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ARTWORK These images can be used in editorial context to the products they are related to, with appropriate credit of artwork and photographer.

e-book Front cover Front cover Pure Audio Blu-ray Pure Audio Blu-ray Blu-ray on-screen menu 2L logo package

Recording Stage Layout ARNESEN Recording Stage Layout KERNIS Recording Stage Layout GJEILOAuro-3D speaker layout

MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014 MAGNIFICAT recording sessions, Nidaros Cathedral 2013-2014

Artwork Håkon Gullvåg / Front Cover Photo _ / Session photos Morten Lindberg / Artist photo _ / Stage Layout Morten Lindberg