Album title
TARTINI secondo natura

Sigurd Imsen, baroque violin and hardanger fiddle
Tormod Dalen, baroque cello
Hans Knut Sveen, cembalo

Catalogue #

Disc 1
Disc 2

Pure Audio Blu-ray
DTS HD MA 192kHz/24 bit 5.1
LPCM 192kHz/24 bit STEREO
mShuttle: stereo FLAC 96kHz + MP3
Region: ABC - worldwide

Release date
December 2015
Recording date
June 2014
Jar Church, Norway
Original source
DXD (352.8kHz/24bit)

TARTINI secondo natura

Amongst a plethora of musical styles and genres extant during the mid-18th century, the music of Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) finds a special place. Despite a quintessential expressive style of performance and embellishment, he was to become and remain influential across the known musical world, and his legacy was essential to violin playing for at least the next century. Tartini’s obscure writings about Nature and music reveal a close relationship to widespread ideas of a time that was to become known as The Age of Reason. However, these came with a twist: his 135 violin concertos and 200 sonatas, of which many are rarely performed today, still appear enigmatic – impalpable and mysterious. The sonorous Hardanger fiddle, an ideal instrument for imitating the traditional Italian bagpipes, appears in this recording as a tribute to the composer’s frequent use of traditional folk music motifs.

I mangfoldet av musikkgenre og stilarter på midten av 1700-tallet står musikken til Giuseppe Tartini (1692-1770) i en særstilling. Hans uttrykksfulle spillestil og særegne ornamentikk var høyst personlig og original, men hadde sterk innflytelse på hans samtidige fiolinister og var avgjørende for tradisjonen videre på 1800-tallet. Tartinis obskure filosofi om naturens forhold til musikken viser et nært slektskap til tankegodset i hans samtid, opplysningstiden; men med en vri. De færreste av hans 135 fiolinkonserter og 200 sonater blir fremført i dag, kanskje fordi de fortsatt står i et gåtefullt lys – uhåndgripelige, og fulle av hemmeligheter. Den klangfulle hardingfela, uovertruffen til å etterligne de tradisjonelle italienske sekkepipene, gjør i denne innspillingen entré som en hyllest til Tartinis forkjærlighet for folkemusikkens danserytmer.


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Streaming services: Tidal and SPOTIFY

HiRes audio files: HDtracks / HighResAudio / e-ONKYO

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