Album title
MEZZOTINTS - chamber music by Ståle Kleiberg

Marianne Thorsen, violin
Øyvind Gimse, cello
Bård Monsen, violin
Ole Wuttudal, viola
Jørgen Larsen, piano

Catalogue #

Disc 1
Hybrid SACD
Stereo DSD
Disc 2

Pure Audio Blu-ray
DTS HD MA 192kHz/24 bit 5.1
Auro-3D 96kHz/24 bit 9.1
LPCM 192kHz/24 bit STEREO
mShuttle: stereo FLAC 96kHz + MP3
Region: ABC - worldwide

Release date
October 2015
Recording date
February 2015
Sofienberg Church, Norway
Original source
DXD (352.8kHz/24bit)

MEZZOTINTS - chamber music by Ståle Kleiberg

Since the early twentieth century there has been a radical renewal of pedigreed chamber genres. We need only think of the late sonatas of Debussy, or of the string quartets of Bartók; or, to enter a high modernist space later in the century, of the duos and quartets of Elliott Carter; or, to move into a less prescriptive space that some like to label postmodern, of Ståle Kleiberg in our own time. In the solo and chamber works recorded here, Kleiberg recaptures something of the ethos of the private sphere. The solo works have an inward character, occluding display, while the chamber works restore the thematic sharing and instrumental characterization of the classical era, but in both cases of an informal kind, shy of system, wary of rhetoric.
Ståle Kleiberg is a major Norwegian composer with a considerable international reputation. The works on this album represent a lesser-known, but valuable, part of his output. His innovatory approach, formal command and technical mastery are especially apparent in his chamber music oeuvre, and it is gratifying to be able to present the following selection here: String Quartet No. 2, Ruf und Nachklang, Ashes, Piano Trio No. 2, Sonata for Violin and Cello and Sonanza e cadenza.

Recording sessions: Facebook Photo Album

Immersive Sound is a completely new conception of the musical experience. Recorded music is no longer a matter of a fixed one-dimensional setting, but rather of a three-dimensional enveloping situation. Stereo can be described as a flat canvas and Surround Sound as a field, but Immersive Sound is a sculpture that you can literally move around and relate to spatially; surrounded by music you can move about in the aural space and choose angles, vantage points and positions. The 9.1 Auro-3D on this Pure Audio Blu-ray features sound reproduction that is more realistic than anything you've heard before. It delivers a new standard in immersion, fully enveloping the listener in a cocoon of life-like audio.

Fra det tidlige tjuende århundret og fremover har vi sett en radikal fornyelse av nedarvede kammermusikalske genre. Tenk bare på Debussys sene sonater, Bartoks strykekvartetter og, for å ta et høymodernistisk eksempel, duetter og kvartetter av Elliott Carter; eller for å bevege oss inn i et mindre normativt rom som noen liker å kalle postmoderne, Ståle Kleiberg i vår egen tid. I solo- og kammerverkene som er innspilt her, gjenvinner Kleiberg noe av den private musikksfærens kvaliteter. Soloverkene har en innoverskuende, ikke-eksponerende karakter, mens kammerverkene gjeninnfører klassisismens gjennombrutte arbeid og instrumentale karakterisering. I begge tilfeller gjøres det på en ikke-formalistisk måte, med skepsis til systemer og varsom bruk av retorikk.

Ståle Kleiberg er en sentral norsk komponist, med betydelig internasjonalt gjennomslag. Verkene på dette albumet representerer en mindre kjent, men ikke mindre verdifull side av Kleibergs produksjon. Hans innovative tilnærming, formale beherskelse og tekniske mesterskap kommer i særlig grad til syne nettopp i hans mange verk i kammerformat. Det er derfor en stor glede å kunne presentere dette utvalget: String Quartet No. 2, Ruf und Nachklang, Ashes, Piano Trio No. 2, Sonata for Violin and Cello and Sonanza e cadenza.


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e-book Front cover inlay Pure Audio Blu-ray Pure Audio Blu-ray Blu-ray on-screen menu Auro-3D speaker layout 2L logo package

Ståle Kleiberg 2015 Ståle Kleiberg 2015

Artwork "Cloudburst" mezzotint by ART WERGER / Front Cover Photo _ / Session photos Morten Lindberg / Artist photo Ole Martin Wold (composer portrait) / Stage Layout Morten Lindberg