Life, with its extraordinary diversity, brings both light and darkness, and the tension in between is something everyone has felt. In the course of a lifetime we get to know every degree and every nuance of light and shade. And it is precisely the experience that light can be shut out for long periods that makes the full richness and potential of life seem even stronger when light returns. The electroacoustic "Vers la Lumière" connects the classical works for piano on this album to make an uninterrupted whole. Through reflection and innovation David Bratlie's transitions represents a contemporary voice, and it provides continuity, and looks ahead, on this musical journey with Antonio Bibalo, Franz Liszt and Olivier Messiaen.
Immersive Audio is a sonic sculpture that you can literally move around and relate to spatially; surrounded by music you can move about in the aural space and choose angles, vantage points and positions. Dolby Atmos and the Auro-3D on this Pure Audio Blu-ray delivers a new standard in immersion, fully enveloping the audience in a cocoon of life-like audio. Recorded in discrete 9.1 at DXD resolution.
Menneskelivet er ubegripelig mangfoldig, og spenningen mellom lys og mørke er noe alle kan kjenne seg igjen i. Alle grader, avskygninger og nyanser av lys vil kunne erfares gjennom et liv. Og det er nettopp erfaringen av at lyset tilsynelatende kan være fraværende i perioder som kan virke til at veksten og rikdommen i livet blir desto sterkere når lyset igjen får komme til. David Bratlies elektroakustiske «Vers la Lumière» binder sammen de klassike klaverstykkene fra Antonio Bibalo, Franz Liszt og Olivier Messiaen til en helhetlig opplevelse.