Ståle Kleiberg: Mass for Modern Man
Ståle Kleiberg's Mass for Modern Man is about the loss of existential meaning as an antithesis to faith and belief. The work commutes between these two extremes, and raises the following underlying question: Is belief possible for modern man? In this work, the answer is "yes"; not a resounding "yes", but a "yes" in spite of all. The work is a large-scale concert mass for two soloists, choir and orchestra where Kleiberg's neo-romantic music commutes between the intimate and the grand.
Recording sessions: Facebook Photo Album
Immersive Audio is a sonic sculpture that you can literally move around and relate to spatially; surrounded by music you can move about in the aural space and choose angles, vantage points and positions. Dolby Atmos and the Auro-3D on this Pure Audio Blu-ray delivers a new standard in immersion, fully enveloping the audience in a cocoon of life-like audio. Recorded in discrete 11.1 at DXD resolution.
Ståle Kleibergs Messe for det moderne menneske handler om tap av eksistensiell mening som motsetningen til håp og tro. Verket pendler mellom disse to ytterpunktene og stiller følgende underliggende spørsmål: Er tro mulig for det moderne mennesket? I dette verket er svaret «ja». Ikke et rungende «ja», men et «ja» på tross av alt. Verket er en stort anlagt konsertmesse for to solister, kor og orkester hvor Kleibergs neoromantiske musikk veksler mellom det intime og det storslåtte.