Album title
The Trondheim Concertos
Baroque Ensemble
of the Trondheim Symphony Orchestra
Sigurd Imsen, solo violin
Renata Kubala, violin
Cecilia Wåhlberg, violin
Verona Rapp, viola
Torleif Holm, cello
Fredrik Blikeng, violone
Thomas C. Boysen, lute and theorbo
Gunnhild Tønder, cembalo and organ
Christina Kobb, fortepiano
Morten Lindberg, balance engineer and recording producer
Catalogue #

Disc 1
Hybrid SACD
Stereo DSD
Disc 2 Pure Audio Blu-ray
2.0 LPCM 192/24
5.1 DTS HDMA 192/24
7.1.4 Auro-3D 96kHz
7.1.4 Dolby Atmos 48kHz
mShuttle: MQA + FLAC + MP3
Region: ABC - worldwide

Release date
June 2023
Recording date
June 2021
Lademoen Church, Trondheim, Norway
Original source
DXD (352.8kHz/24bit)

The Trondheim Concertos

As the eighteenth century progressed, Trondheim experienced strong economic growth. The Great Nordic War was over, and merchants set about exporting timber, stockfish, and copper from the mines of Trøndelag. They maintained close contact with their networks in the main cities of Northern Europe, and Trondheim's luxury and extravagance characterised its social milieu. Thus, the latest fashions, literature and music from the Continent found their way to Trondheim.

Recording sessions Photo Gallery

This recording portrays a selection of contemporaneous music that is preserved in Trondheim. The manuscripts may be found in the Gunnerus Library's special collections and probably belonged to the town musician and polymath Johan Daniel Berlin (1714–87) and his circle of musicians. They provide a unique insight into how European instrumental music found fertile ground in one of Denmark–Norway's largest provincial towns in the decades preceding the union's dissolution in 1814.

Joseph Meck (1690—1758)
Violin Concerto in G Major, Op. 1 No. 9, XM 141

Anonymous, ‘Sigr. Opfermand’
Violin Concerto in C minor, XM 49

Johan Henrich Berlin (1741—1807)
Sonata a Cembalo, Violino è Violoncello, XM 3

Antonio Vivaldi (1678—1741)
Violin Concerto in A major, RV 335 ‘The Cuckoo’, XM 140

Utover 1700-tallet opplevde Trondheim sterk økonomisk vekst. Den store nordiske krig var over, og kjøpmenn slo seg opp på eksport av tømmer, klippfisk og kobber fra gruvene i Trøndelag. De pleiet nær kontakt med sine nettverk i de store byene i Nord-Europa, og byens selskapsliv var preget av luksus og ekstravaganse. Det siste innen mote, litteratur og musikk fra kontinentet fant dermed veien til Trondheim.

Denne innspillingen viser et utvalg av musikken som er bevart i Trondheim fra denne perioden. Manuskriptene finnes i Gunnerusbibliotekets spesialsamlinger, og har trolig tilhørt stadsmusikanten og multigeniet Johan Daniel Berlin (1714-87) og hans krets av musikere. De gir oss et unikt innblikk i hvordan den europeiske instrumentalmusikken fant grobunn i en av Danmark-Norges største provinsbyer i tiårene før unionsoppløsningen 1814.

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Artwork Morten Lindberg / Front Cover Photo Trym Bergsmo / Session photos Morten Lindberg / Artist photo _ / Stage Layout Morten Lindberg